Benefits of TM Chitosan Application
- Plant Defense Response Activates for 10-14 days
- Production of JA (Jasmonic Acid) and SA (Salicylic Acid) Accelerates
- Cell Walls of Fungal Pathogens are Weakened
- Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, and Pythium Unable to Take Hold
- Increased Phytochemicals Create Inhospitable Environment for Pests
- Increased Phytochemicals Create Inhospitable Environment for Pathogens
- Reduced Transpiration in Drought
- Forms Protective Shield on Leaf Surface
- Crops Treated With Chitosan Have Increased Shelf Life
- Some Crops Show Higher Nutritional Values
- Works Synergistically with Rhizobacteria
- Remediates Soils Contaminated by METALS
- Improves Soil Structure
- BONUS! Soaking Seeds Improves Germination Rates, Reduces Fungal Infection, and Increases Seedling Survival Rates